Student Podcasting

Resources to Support Student Podcasting Projects


Student Podcast PODCAST

This is a podcast featuring great student podcasts. Each week we highlight student work and hear from their teachers about the challenges and successes of podcasting with their students.


Teacher's Guide to Podcasting

Download this guide for a step-by-step guide to student podcasting projects, including sample podcasting lessons and tools for producing and publishing a podcast.


Podcast PD from Listenwise & Soundtrap

Interested in bringing podcasting projects to your students? Learn how with our project-based professional development, delivered by experts in podcasting and public radio!


Why Podcasting Is #Trending Since 'Serial' and Why Your Class Should Be Doing It

Read this article from Edsurge featuring Monica Brady-Myerov, founder and CEO of Listenwise and learn why she thinks podcasting is #trending in classrooms.


8 Easy Ways to Get Podcasting in Your Classroom

How can you bring podcasting into your classroom? Will students create podcasts that inform, persuade, analyze, reflect, tell a story, or some combination? Here are 8 Easy Way to Get Podcasting in Your Classroom.


Resources for the NPR Student Podcast Challenge in the Classroom

Check out these ideas for creating a podcasting project, inspired by the NPR Student Podcast Challenge contest from March 2019.


Creating Podcasts in Class

In this 30-minute webinar you'll hear best practices and experiences from a teacher who podcasts in his classroom. There's something for everyone in this webinar!


Classroom Podcasting for the Middle Grades (Middle Web)

Learn how to podcast with your middle school students and hear sample podcasts from other student podcasting projects.


How To Podcast in Class Part I

Ready to start planning your podcasting project? We have equipment and software recommendations, along with some sample podcasts to inspire you.


The Power of Podcasting for Student Learning (Getting Smart)

Podcasts are powerful tools for student learning. Read about the experiences of two teachers and what they learned by using audio stories.


How To Podcast in Class Part II: 5 Steps for Podcasting in Class

Once you have your equipment, discover the 5 steps for making a podcast from planning to producing.


Podcasting on Field Trips: Creating Deeper Learning 

Advocate Erik Eve's class podcasted about their trip to Washington, D.C. Erik shares his tips for setting up the podcasting lesson and includes sample podcasts!


Hurricane Podcasting Project with 8th Graders

We hosted Advocate Erik Eve's class for a podcasting workshop. Learn about their day and hear student takeaways in this blog post.