Listenwise Webinars

Registration open

See our newest roster of upcoming webinars — register today!

Fall 2024 Webinars

Introducing Lingolift: Address All Four Domains Every Day With Newcomer English Learners

Thursday, October 10 at 5pm Eastern

Lingolift is officially live! Find out how it can help you and your newcomer and emergent multilinguals in this upcoming webinar.

Designed for newcomers and emergent multilinguals in grades 2-12, Lingolift helps students develop English language proficiency across all four language domains: listening, speaking, reading, and writing

In this webinar, you’ll learn all about Lingolift’s exciting features, including: 

  • Short, interactive video lessons with built-in supports like a Texthelp Toolbar that offers translation into 15+ languages, as well as English and picture dictionaries.
  • Interactive videos that include speaking support with speech recognition for immediate personalized feedback and opportunities for continued practice.
  • Ready-made teacher’s guides and embedded assessments to make teaching newcomers and emergent multilinguals empowering and effective.

Register today to get access to this informative webinar!

Listenwise webinar

Teaching MLs with Multimedia Resources: An Instructional Framework

Thursday, October 24 at 5pm Eastern

How can Lingolift and Listenwise together help teachers advance language and literacy development at all English proficiency levels? Join us for this webinar where we will share how  the instructional framework at the core of Lingolift and Listenwise lessons supports teachers of multilingual learners in using multimedia resources to develop language and literacy across all four language domains. 

Lingolift is designed for newcomers and emergent multilinguals in grades 2-12 and features a library full of interactive video lessons that support students in developing survival, social, and academic language. Listenwise features a library of thousands of lessons for teaching academic language and content together using authentic podcast and video lessons.

In this webinar, participants will learn how our framework supports effective teaching practices and strategies before, during, and after students engage with instructional content, including:

  • Building background knowledge, 
  • Providing learning supports, and 
  • Deepening learning across language domains. 

Register now to learn about key practices, strategies, and resources for teaching multilingual learners in a variety of instructional settings. 

Listenwise webinar

Accelerating Language Development: Using Lingolift with Newcomer Multilinguals

Monday, October 28 at 3pm Eastern

The goal in supporting newcomer English learners should be acceleration not remediation. That is the philosophy behind the creation of Lingolift, a new product that boosts development of English language proficiency across all four language domains: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Join us and Canadian educator and eduleader Kimiko Shibata (@esl_fairy) for a webinar that shares practical tips and tricks for accelerating language development using high-quality technology supports.

In this webinar, participants will:

  • Learn how to use Lingolift to support both English language development and content area knowledge.
  • Explore additional resources that you can start implementing in your classroom tomorrow!

Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your teaching practice and make a lasting impact on your students' language development journey.

Rewatch our Fall 2023 Webinars


These 45-minute conversations explore how to use Listenwise's new ELD Lesson Library to support building literacy for multilinguals.

Listenwise Spring Webinars
Listenwise WIDA webinar
Listenwise Spring Webinar appsmashing
Spring webinars newcomers ELs

Teaching Language of Argument With Listenwise Podcasts

Wednesday, February 22nd at 7pm EST

Looking for resources to help your students master argumentation? Whether it’s using one of our debate stories, examining hot-button current events, or building media literacy to better identify fake news, Listenwise can help. 

Join us for a webinar featuring veteran CA teacher and author of the new book “EduProtocol Field Guide: Social Studies Edition”  Dr. Scott M. Petri who will share practical tips and explain how to use Listenwise to teach the language of argument.

WIDA & Listenwise: Pairing for Student Success

Tuesday, March 7th at 6:30pm EST

Did you know that Listenwise ELD lessons can be easily used as ACCESS test prep resources? Have you heard that Listenwise is an easy way to meet WIDA’s four Key Language Uses? For teachers in WIDA states who are looking for ready-made, rigorous content that teaches content and language together: Listenwise might just be the answer!

In this webinar, join educators from New Jersey, New Hampshire, and North Carolina as they share their experiences with using Listenwise in the classroom to meet WIDA standards. You will learn practical tips for how to use Listenwise podcast and video lessons to help your students develop academic language, get them talking, and keep them engaged.

Appsmashing for ELD Teachers

Tuesday, March 21st at 7pm EST

Techie teachers love appsmashing, and we love hearing back from educators who use Listenwise as part of their classroom tech bundle. Appsmashing is especially useful when teaching English learners, as there is often no single tech tool that can address the needs of today’s diverse classrooms. 

The good news is that these days using apps in the classroom is more accessible than ever before, making it the perfect time to get into appsmashing if you haven’t already!

Join speaker, author, former educator and tech coach-turned-Edtech integration specialist Jake Miller as he shares tips, tricks, and inspiration for ELD teachers looking to level up their appsmashing game using Listenwise.

Boosting Achievement with Newcomers Using Listenwise

Wednesday, April 5th at 7pm EST

Technology is an excellent resource for teachers with English learners at a variety of different levels. However, it can be difficult to find tools that can easily be tailored to support all students, especially newcomers.

Join us for a webinar featuring California educator, administrator, and newcomer advocate Efraín Tovar on boosting achievement with newcomers. Marielle Palombo, Listenwise’s Director of Curriculum, will join the conversation to share context on how Listenwise’s multimodal ELD lessons are developed and ways that educators can use them to teach content and language together across various language acquisition levels.

Educators will leave this webinar with practical instructional strategies for making Listenwise’s content accessible for newcomer ELs. 

Rewatch our Fall 2022 Webinars


These 45-minute conversations explore how to use Listenwise's new ELD Lesson Library to support building literacy for multilinguals.

Fall 22 Student Engagement Webinar
TEKS Webinar Listenwise
Making podcasts in the classroom
Webinar Multilinguals Podcast Video

3 Student Choice Strategies to Engage English Learners

Tuesday, September 20th at 6pm EDT

Creating opportunities for student choice in the classroom can make room for deeper engagement from students. English learners especially can benefit from scaffolded opportunities to explore their interests and identities in an academic setting.

In this webinar, join two Colorado-based educators as they share their experiences with using student choice strategies in the classroom to engage English learners. You will learn practical tips for how to use Listenwise podcast and video lessons to create opportunities for multilinguals to assert their own agency in the learning process to make learning fun and meaningful.

Lone Star Literacy: TEKS and Listenwise

Tuesday, October 18th at 6pm EDT

Learn practical, research-based strategies from teachers for using high-quality videos and podcasts to address TEKS for listening, speaking, reading and writing in grade 2-12 classrooms!

Join us for a webinar featuring two Texas-based educators who will share:

  • Research supporting the connections between listening, reading, and learning
  • Tips for using Listenwise’s multimodal lesson library to find TEKS-aligned fiction and nonfiction texts
  • How to use videos and podcasts as an equity level for multilingual students
  • Stories of the positive impact of using podcasts and video in the classrooms

Guerilla Radio: Making Podcasts in the Classroom

Monday, October 24th at 6pm EDT

Have you ever thought of starting a podcast with your students? If your answer is ‘yes’ and all you need is some guidance, inspiration, and encouragement— this webinar is for you!

Podcasting is a great way for students to practice critical thinking and conversational skills while building teamwork. It’s also a wonderful way to incorporate student choice and inquiry in your lessons.

Join us as we hear from educators who are taking their love of podcasts to the next level. You will leave this conversation with ideas for how to incorporate podcast-making into lessons, as well as information about resources like Listenwise that can help you get started.

Supporting Multilinguals With Podcasts & Video

Wednesday, November 2 at 6pm EDT

Join Monica Brady-Myerov, author of Listen Wise: Teach Students to be Better Learners with career teacher, consultant, and author Tan K Huynh as they share research-based approaches to making video & podcast lessons  accessible to multilingual students.

Attendees will learn:

  • How to think through creating multimodal lessons in a meaningful way for their instructional purposes
  • How to select comprehensible input and structure content-specific output for multilinguals

Teachers will leave this webinar with practical instructional strategies for making video content accessible for all multilinguals.

Rewatch our Spring 2022 Webinars


These 45-minute conversations explore the power of podcasting in classrooms. Learn how Listenwise can support your school/district this year.

Hyperdocs Weird News Text Sets Webinar
Edweek Webinar
Listenwise Sub Plans Webinar
Fun podcasts
Multilingual Listening Reading Webinar

Hyperdocs, Weird News, and Text Sets, Oh My! — How to Make the Most Out of Listenwise Free

Recording Available

With a free Listenwise teacher account you can use authentic audio resources from Listenwise to bring non-fiction to life by accessing our current event podcast collection.

Erica will walk educators through 3 engaging teaching activities to make the most out of Listenwise free access-

  • Hyperdoc lessons 
  • Weird News
  • Text sets

Strategies for English Learners Featuring Dr. Jeff Zwiers and Monica Brady-Myerov (EdWeek)

Recording Available

Stanford’s Dr. Jeff Zwiers and author Monica Brady-Myerov will share listening & speaking teaching strategies to help English learners acquire academic vocabulary using podcasts.

Drawing from Zweirs’ book, “Next Steps with Academic Conversations” and Brady-Myerov’s new book "Listen Wise: Teach Students to be Better Listeners,” attendees will hear updated research findings and instructional practices to build students authentic active listening, critical thinking and academic speaking skills.

Pre-Made Listenwise Substitute Plans - Access 3 Tips & Tricks for Easy-to-Share Lessons

Recording Available

English will walk attendees through 3 instructional strategies to help you with lesson planning, along with the actual plans drafted out, paired with a specific listening organizer. Whether you need to plan for a sub or just looking for new podcast activity ideas, you can easily print out or copy, customize, and have students complete digitally. Leave with great ideas and potential new worksheet organizers to support whatever you are teaching.

Putting the Fun in Learning – Using Listenwise Podcasts to Highlight Positive News

Recording Available

The past few years have been challenging for everyone— teachers and students alike. Adding podcasts into your lessons is a great way for educators to add levity, humor, and positive news to the school day. 

Join Listenwise’s English Runyan as she shares ways that she has put the fun in learning by using podcasts from the Listenwise library. Examples of podcasts themes they will cover include: moving & heart-warming podcasts, podcasts all about animals, strange science podcasts, and light-hearted & fun podcasts. Teachers will leave with strategies to incorporate student choice, support critical thinking with weird news and a thoughtful way to incorporate good news about underrepresented people groups.

Listen Up! Building the Listening-Reading Connection for Multilinguals

Recording Available

How can teachers leverage podcasts to deepen their English Learners' language proficiency? What is the connection between building listening skills and improved reading comprehension in EL students? 

Listenwise’s Monica Brady-Myerov will be joined by multilingual thought leader and author, Valentina Gonzalez, for a conversation exploring the listening-reading connection. Together they will share their perspectives and experiences on the importance of teaching listening in order to build literacy. Teachers will leave this webinar with practical instructional strategies for English language learners.

Rewatch our Fall 2021 Webinars on Accelerating Learning & Supporting Mental Wellbeing


These 45-minute conversations discuss how podcasts can accelerate learning and support mental wellbeing for all students.

Edweek Webinar
District webinar2

Using Podcasts to Improve English Proficiency & Engagement (Hosted by Education Week)

Recording Available

Learn how Sanger Unified School District supported their EL’s and improved literacy for all students by utilizing authentic podcast content across the district. Sanger USD took a phased approach to a multiyear implementation of Listenwise. They initially focused on achieving equity for English learners in designated ELD classrooms. Based on early outcomes, Sanger quickly expanded to inclusion/integrated classrooms to support all students.

How Listenwise Can Accelerate Your District Learning this Fall

Recording Available

Do you have the right resources to support all your students in your critical learning initiatives this Fall? Monica and Adam will discuss the funding landscape and how the American Rescue Plan Act can help you bring podcast lessons to your school district. This webinar is great for administrators and school leaders.

SEL webinar (1)
quick tips webinar

Practical Ways to Address SEL Goals with Podcasts (Hosted by Edweb)

Recording Available

This webinar will provide practical strategies for creating a space where academic and social-emotional goals are integrated with content and culturally responsive pedagogy. Monica and Scott will share strategies on how to create lessons that encourage student self-reflection and explore topics like mindfulness, self-efficacy and growth mindset, perseverance, responsibility, empathy, and gratitude.

Quick Tips! Instructional Strategies For Using Listenwise

Recording Availabile

Learn great instructional tips & strategies for integrating podcast lessons into your k12 classroom - whatever your instructional goals may be: content, language, or social-emotional learning to name a few. This webinar is great for classroom educators of all content areas, ELD educators, and instructional coaches.

Rewatch Our May 2021 Webinars:
Springing Ahead to Summer & Back-to-School 2021/22 Success


These 45-minute conversations explore the importance of teaching listening in K-12 education and how listening is tied to building literacy, especially academic language. They bring in research, theory, and practice.

Youtube thumbnail for webinar: podcasting for engagement and equitable learning, showcasing monica brady-myerov's headshot and book cover Listen Wise: Teach Students to be Better Listeners

Teaching with Podcasts Supports Engagement & Equitable Learning

In this session learn how you can use Listenwise as a culturally responsive teaching tool and support your equity goals by engaging your students with real-world podcasts, which are accompanied by standards-based teaching resources. Presented by Listenwise CEO & Author, Monica Brady-Myerov.

Webinar description: bringing SEL & Diverse Perspectives into your Curriculum with Podcasts with image of presenters, Marielle and English
Youtube thumbnail picture of webinar: How to Teach and Assess Listening featuring headshots of the presenters, Scott Petri and Monica Brady-Myerov

Bringing SEL & Diverse Perspectives into Your Curriculum with Podcasts

Learn how you can diversify teaching resources and develop students’ social and emotional skills with podcasts. Teaching with podcasts can incorporate underrepresented voices and perspectives into your curriculum, while also helping students build literacy skills. Presented by Marielle Palombo, Ed.D., Director of Curriculum & English Runyan, DEI Pilot Coordinator, Listenwise.

How to Teach & Assess Listening

There are so many ways to use Listenwise’s lessons to support every learner, in whatever learning environment. In this session, we’ll explore instructional strategies to help educators make the most of their teaching time, using podcasts. Hear from CA Educator, and Listenwise Advocate, Dr. Scott Petri on how he teaches listening & speaking skills in his classroom.