Listenwise Webinars

Registration open

See our newest roster of upcoming webinars — register today!

Bridging Social and Academic Language for Newcomer and Emergent Multilingual Students Through Tech

Tuesday, April 1 at 10am Pacific/ 1pm Eastern

In this interactive webinar, educators will explore how to effectively teach social language while providing equitable access to academic content for newcomer and emergent multilingual students using tech tools that provide speech recognition, visual aids, translation, and more. Attendees will learn practical, tech-driven strategies that support both conversational fluency and academic language acquisition, fostering student confidence and engagement.

This session will also highlight how these tools align with state English Language Development (ELD) Standards, ensuring that instructional practices meet linguistic and academic expectations while accelerating language growth. Attendees will leave with actionable strategies and digital resources to enhance instruction and empower multilingual learners in their classrooms.


About the Presenter

Dr. Edith Treviño, also known as “Dr. ET,” is a professional education consultant. She is an author, advocate of language, wife, mother, and passionate educator who lives and teaches in La Frontera. Born and raised in Ciudad Acuña, Coahuila, Mexico, Dr. ET came to the U.S. at age seven. After serving time in the U.S. Army Reserves, Dr. ET’s life trajectory changed, leading her to dedicate the past 20 years to supporting and championing English learners in Texas and beyond. Dr. ET holds a doctorate in curriculum and instruction with an emphasis on bilingual studies from The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, a Master of Education degree from Sul Ross State University, and a Bachelor of Science degree in elementary education from Edinboro University in Pennsylvania.

Teacher Perspectives: Using Lingolift With Newcomer and Emergent Multilinguals

Tuesday, March 25 at 4pm Pacific/ 7pm Eastern

Have you thought about trying Lingolift with your newcomer and emergent multilinguals but want to hear from real teachers what they think of it first? This webinar is for you!

Hear from three teachers from across the country (California, Texas, and North Carolina) who use Lingolift in their classrooms to support their newcomers in acquiring social and academic language as quickly as possible.

In this webinar, participants will:

  • Get practical tips for onboarding students and implementing Lingolift in your classrooms.
  • Hear directly from teachers what their favorite features of Lingolift are and how they use them with their newcomer and emergent multilinguals.
  • Learn how to use Lingolift to support TELPAS, CAASPP, and WIDA ACCESS test prep while building content and language.
Spring 2025 webinars

Teaching Vocabulary, Background Knowledge, and Comprehension: Routines and Best Practices for all Students

Thursday, February 27 at 6pm Eastern

Educators know that vocabulary, background knowledge, and comprehension are important parts of literacy instruction for all students. But what are best practices for teaching these important things? And what kinds of routines and activities will help all students experience success with these difficult skills? 

In this webinar, elementary literary coach Hannah Irion-Frake (@readingwithmsif) will give a science of reading aligned overview of vocabulary, background knowledge, and comprehension that includes routines and activities you can start using right away in your own classroom! Examples will feature Listenwise and Lingolift, but can also be used with texts in your own literacy curriculum. 

In this webinar, participants will:

  • Learn science of reading aligned practices for introducing new vocabulary words and building student background knowledge. 
  • Examine a framework for comprehension that shows how we construct a mental model during listening and reading.
  • Learn about ways to support comprehension through text structure, syntax, and inferencing. 
  • See vocabulary, knowledge, and comprehension lesson and activity examples from Listenwise and Lingolift.

Register today to get access to this informative webinar!

Rewatch our Fall 2024 Webinars


These 45-minute conversations explore how to use Listenwise and Lingolift — our new product designed specifically for newcomer and emergent multilingual learners!

Fall 2024 Webinars

Introducing Lingolift: Address All Four Domains Every Day With Newcomer English Learners

Thursday, October 10 at 5pm Eastern

Lingolift is officially live! Find out how it can help you and your newcomer and emergent multilinguals in this upcoming webinar.

Designed for newcomers and emergent multilinguals in grades 2-12, Lingolift helps students develop English language proficiency across all four language domains: listening, speaking, reading, and writing

In this webinar, you’ll learn all about Lingolift’s exciting features, including: 

  • Short, interactive video lessons with built-in supports like a Texthelp Toolbar that offers translation into 15+ languages, as well as English and picture dictionaries.
  • Interactive videos that include speaking support with speech recognition for immediate personalized feedback and opportunities for continued practice.
  • Ready-made teacher’s guides and embedded assessments to make teaching newcomers and emergent multilinguals empowering and effective.

Register today to get access to this informative webinar!

Listenwise webinar

Teaching MLs with Multimedia Resources: An Instructional Framework

Thursday, October 24 at 5pm Eastern

How can Lingolift and Listenwise together help teachers advance language and literacy development at all English proficiency levels? Join us for this webinar where we will share how  the instructional framework at the core of Lingolift and Listenwise lessons supports teachers of multilingual learners in using multimedia resources to develop language and literacy across all four language domains. 

Lingolift is designed for newcomers and emergent multilinguals in grades 2-12 and features a library full of interactive video lessons that support students in developing survival, social, and academic language. Listenwise features a library of thousands of lessons for teaching academic language and content together using authentic podcast and video lessons.

In this webinar, participants will learn how our framework supports effective teaching practices and strategies before, during, and after students engage with instructional content, including:

  • Building background knowledge, 
  • Providing learning supports, and 
  • Deepening learning across language domains. 

Register now to learn about key practices, strategies, and resources for teaching multilingual learners in a variety of instructional settings. 

Listenwise webinar

Accelerating Language Development: Using Lingolift with Newcomer Multilinguals

Monday, October 28 at 3pm Eastern

The goal in supporting newcomer English learners should be acceleration not remediation. That is the philosophy behind the creation of Lingolift, a new product that boosts development of English language proficiency across all four language domains: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Join us and Canadian educator and eduleader Kimiko Shibata (@esl_fairy) for a webinar that shares practical tips and tricks for accelerating language development using high-quality technology supports.

In this webinar, participants will:

  • Learn how to use Lingolift to support both English language development and content area knowledge.
  • Explore additional resources that you can start implementing in your classroom tomorrow!

Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your teaching practice and make a lasting impact on your students' language development journey.

Rewatch our Past Webinars

We have a large library of our past webinars available on-demand on our YouTube channel.

Find past popular webinar recordings including:


  • Listening & Speaking Instructional Strategies for English Learners ft. Jeff Zwiers - Watch Now
  • Multilingual Learners: Strategies for Developing Listening Comprehension ft. Beth Skelton - Watch Now
  • Building the Listening-Reading Connection for Multilinguals Ft. Valentina Gonzalez - Watch Now
  • Supporting Multilinguals With Podcasts & Video w/Tan K Huynh - Watch Now
  • Boosting Achievement with Newcomers Using Listenwise ft. Efraín Tovar - Watch Now
  • WIDA & Listenwise: Pairing for Student Success - Watch Now
  • Guerilla Radio: Making Podcasts in the Classroom with Students - Tips for Teachers - Watch Now