Just in time for back-to-school, we’ve launched a new Teacher Resources section of our website!

You can find our teacher resources through the “About” tab or at this URL: https://listenwise.com/teacher_resources

From the teacher resources page you can now access a webinar page where you can sign up for any of our upcoming webinars, register for a 30-minute premium product training if you like, or watch any of our recorded Spring webinars. Find awesome content here: https://support.listenwise.com/webinars/

The blog links to our blog pages, just like this one. The most popular blogs are listed in the Support Center under Classroom Instruction. Keep an eye for a new blog post every Sunday!

The Support Center is a compilation of helpful teacher resources. We’ve included resources for how to teach with Listenwise, tools to get started, video tutorials, and MORE! Click on the boxes or the easy-access links beneath each section to find helpful resources.

In “Getting Started” we’ve compiled quick start onboarding tools. You can easily access our teacher quick start guide and our student quick start guide online or download and print them out.


In the “Video Tutorials” section we have video tours of Listenwise Premium and many “how to” videos on how to navigate Listenwise Premium. These videos can help you enter a Premium code, add and delete classes and students, and more.


The “FAQ” section is updated with all of your important Listenwise questions, but if you have any further questions don’t hesitate to reach out to us here: listenwise.com/contact. We welcome any and all feedback!


And the “Classroom Instruction” section links you to our blog collections where we compile relevant lessons and current events for important topics, along with highlighted blogs and resources on how to use Listenwise to implement listening in your classroom.


Check out all the awesome new resources on our website, share with friends, and reach out if you have questions or new ideas to add! Happy Back-to-School!