(Photo by Julian Finney/Getty Images)

The 2018 Winter Olympics are coming up! Are you as excited as we are?!


The Winter Olympic Games are a time to watch the best of the best athletes excel in their sport. They are held every four years, and include events such as the biathlon, bobsled and skeleton, curling, figure skating, hockey, luge, ski and snowboard, and speedskating.


Get your students engaged in real world events they enjoy and bring the 2018 PyeongChang Games into your classroom. Below are some ideas and resources to help you do so.


Do you know why the Olympics started and how they have evolved to modern day? Watch this PBS Learning Media video.


Here are some Listenwise stories about the Sochi winter Olympics to listen to with your class. Keep an eye out for more upcoming current events on Listenwise.


These are resources from other sources that you can use while teaching the Winter Olympics.


Explore other NPR stories and answer these questions.


The Olympic Charter states: ‘No kind of demonstration or political, religious or racial propaganda is permitted in the Olympic areas.’ However, the history of the Olympics have included protests and boycotts.


Connect the Olympics with the political climates of different regions and time periods.

Did you know that the Berlin Olympics were the first to be televised…sort of? Connect your current Olympic discussions to past Olympic history: Nazis Pioneered Broadcasting… And Made Jesse Owens A Star