“My Students Don’t Listen!”

When teachers first learn about Listen Edition, their first response is, “My students don’t listen!” But we are born listening. We go to school to learn how to read, write and do math. However recently, there’s a growing consensus that students also need to be taught better listening skills. The Common Core recognizes it with the Anchor Standard around Speaking and Listening. 

Donna Wilson, Educational psychologist, writes in the Edutopia blog about how to train the brain to listen.  She writes, “When students are unable to listen effectively, classroom management issues arise.”  That’s why many teachers comment on how using Listen Edition helps with classroom management.  Jenn Kay Goodman, a 7th grade humanities teacher, says when her students hear public radio, they get very quiet and attentive.

wilson-listen-hardhatThe HEAR method

Wilson suggests teachers use the HEAR method to teach students to be a better listener.  The following is taken from the Edutopia blog:

HALT – Stop what you are doing, end your internal dialogue on other thoughts, and free your mind to pay attention to the person speaking.

ENGAGE – Focus on the speaker.  Maybe even tilt your head in the direction of the sound.

ANTICIPATE – By looking forward to what the speaker has to say, you are acknowledging that you will likely learn something new and interesting, which will enhance your attention.

REPLAY – Think about what the speaker is saying.  Analyze and paraphrase it in your mind or in a discussion with your class. Replying the information will aid in understanding and remembering what you have learned.

Listen Edition provides interesting engaging stories to work with your student on their listening comprehension skills.  Use the HEAR method with a story about Super Bowl Economics  or The Homestead Act.  Happy Listening!