Last Updated on October 18, 2017
SXSWedu March 7-8
If you are attending SXSW in March we will be presenting on a panel and leading a workshop!
If you want to meet up, connect with us via email or via twitter @listenwiselearn!
Workshop: Creating Podcasts Leads to Deeper Understanding
Tuesday, March 7
1:30PM – 3:30PM
JW Marriott – Salon H
Monica will be presenting with Emily Donahue and Michael Godsey.
The millennial generation and younger are obsessed with podcasts. Learn how to use this media candy for education! Research shows that when students create their own media content, they learn at a deeper level. Podcast creation can foster deeper learning skills that tap into students ability to think critically about a subject, problem solve, communicate effectively and collaborate. Making a podcast requires students to act in the role of the storyteller or reporter. Listening to podcasts can also engage students with primary texts that are more accessible than print. Hear from educators and podcast producers about how to embed podcasting into your teaching pedagogy.
Panel: How to Best Serve ELLs with Edtech
Wednesday, March 8
3:30PM – 4:30PM
Hilton Austin Downtown – Salon C
Karen is presenting with Jordan Meranus and Rebecca A Palacios.
The English Language Learner population is on an explosive growth track in our nation’s schools. By 2030, 40 percent of all elementary and secondary students could be “language minority students.” Are we equipped to support this growing population of students? This panel will talk about how edtech is serving this growing, but often disadvantaged community and how we can shift mindsets and pedagogy to view children who speak a language other than English at home as an asset rather than as a deficit. Three companies will talk about how they are moving ELLs to proficiency using engaging online content and monitoring tools.
Virtual Webinar with Share My Lesson on March 16

Spark Classroom Engagement & Comprehension with Public Radio Podcasts
March 16: 4 PM EST
Eligible for 1 hour of PD Credit
Register Here.
How well do your students listen? Ever wondered how to teach and progress monitor your students listening skills? Monica will discuss how teachers can use podcasts as a way to spark classroom engagement and provide authentic listening experiences to support all students: English learners, struggling readers, and grade-level readers. Until now there haven’t been any digital assessments designed for use by teachers to test and track key areas of listening comprehension. Teachers can now teach listening comprehension, using a research-based approach to identify the key areas of listening comprehension, test them and then work on improving them – just like they do with reading comprehension. By putting labels on skill strands, such as summarizing and citing evidence, these data results allow teachers to talk about performance in specific ways, and can target areas that need improvement.
Panel: How to Spot Fake News and Train Students to be Educated News Consumers
March 16: 8 PM EST
Eligible for 1 hour of PD Credit
Register Here.
In the aftermath of global electoral developments, it’s clear that the way we interpret and synthesize news plays an important role in the trajectory of world order. Working with students to critically evaluate the accuracy, meaning, and power of informational text has never been more important. In K-12, media literacy is an anchor standard of the CCSS and a component of most state standards. Yet, the execution and implementation of a media literacy curriculum has proven challenging. A recently published study from the Stanford History Education Group reveals that 82% of middle students could not distinguish between sponsored content and a real news story on a website. Online communities and discursive spaces have altered the way news is discussed and evaluated. According to a Study from Columbia University and the French National Institute, 59 percent of the news shared on social media has never been read. This has pernicious implications for students as students spend up to eight hours per day at the computer. We’ll deep dive into strategies teachers can use to discuss fake news with your students and the challenges that can also arise.
CABE Conference March 29 – April 1
We’re exhibiting at CABE at Booth #521 and also presenting a workshop with Tom Davis entitled:
Strengthening Academic Language with Podcasts.
Exposing language learners to challenging academic language is critical to success, but it’s difficult to find engaging and authentic resources to stretch student vocabulary. There is untapped value in teaching with podcasts in the classroom. We will explore how podcasts and public radio are the perfect vehicle to strengthen students academic language, including listening, speaking and writing. Attendees will gain resources, knowledge, and lessons to implement immediately.
And I love that then on Listenwise I can log in and put in a key word and I’ve got a lesson plan, I’ve got the story I don’t have to go searching back for it. It’s just there for me. It’s a great resource.