Do you have news overload? Do you need to take a break? Here are interesting stories that you can listen to with students that don’t contain current events. Find stories that feature kindness, giving, equity, social good in communities, and more.
Kids are doing great things. Listen to how these students became environmental activists after they were inspired by kid-centric documentaries: Environmental Kids. This student was frustrated that so many books she read didn’t reflect her background so she began collecting and donating books with characters of color to schools: Color in Children’s Literature. Listen to how this boy raised over $1million for research to help his friend with liver disease: Helping a Friend.
Adults are also doing great things. Listen to learn about this program that encourages reading while students get their hair cut: Barbershop Promotes Reading. Learn about a program where dads volunteer at schools to support students and provide a positive male role model: Dads at School . Teachers in Texas have stepped up to provide education for students who were displaced by the hurricane: Teachers Step Up During Hurricane. One young couple decided to open their doors to refugee children in their neighborhood: Refugee Children Found a Home in Dallas.
Graduation and college season is coming up. Listen to the benefits of taking a gap year after high school: Gap Year. This story tells about how students are given credit for being fluent in another language and honored at graduation: Fluency in Second Language Recognized in Diploma. Vocational education can prepare students for well-paying jobs in the trades: Careers in a Skilled Trade. Listen to this student talk about the process of finding and applying for college and view resources that can provide more information about the process: Dreaming of College.
Part of the college application process includes taking exams. Listen to hear about the process in South Korea: Debate: Exam Stress. Some colleges are choosing not to emphasize standardized tests as a way to diversity enrollment. Listen to hear how some colleges are offering admissions without these tests: Debate: Optional Versus Required SAT. And listen to advice on what makes a difference as students write essays for college admission: How to Use Your Voice to Write College Essays.
Invite your students to Debate: Should Schools Be Redesigned ? And we also have a few stories about school lunches. There is a trend in Japan to transform lunch ingredients into cute characters: Making Lunch in Japan is High Stakes. Listen to learn how many of our lunch foods were inspired by research for the military during World War II: Military Rations in School Lunches.
Happy Listening!