There is much discussion in schools currently about the benefits of personalizing learning, though there are varying interpretations of what that means. Most, however, agree that moving away from a one-size-fits-all model of instruction is desirable, and that cultivating student agency is an important lever for facilitating learning.

We believe in the educational value of fostering student agency and personalizing learning experiences for optimal student engagement and success, and we have designed Listenwise with those beliefs in mind. The videos below highlight ways in which Listenwise can be used to promote student-centered, student-directed, competency-focused instruction that is relevant and connected to students’ experiences and to the world outside of school.

Relevant & Connected 

Our library of stories include a wide variety of informative audio stories selected for their potential to engage students in learning about real-world topics while building essential literacy skills. Daily current events and lessons can help to connect curriculum topics in English language arts, social studies, and science to students’ own questions and experiences. Discussion questions can help connect students with each other, offering them opportunities to share their ideas and perspectives. View this video to learn more about how Listenwise can help teachers make the curriculum relevant to individual students and their lives beyond school.


Listenwise can help teachers engage students in developing key literacy skills while exploring topics that interest them. The customizable assignments and optional student-facing support tools allow teachers to provide differentiated scaffolding depending on individual or group learning needs. Listenwise can help teachers engage students in building listening comprehension skills at their level by matching assignments to their interests and learning profiles. View this video to learn more about how Listenwise can help teachers tailor instruction to meet individual students where they are and develop their skills and knowledge accordingly.


Whether exploring the story collection on their own or completing assigned tasks, students can direct their own learning experiences on the Listenwise platform. With Listenwise assignments and quizzes, students can proceed at their own pace, listening to stories as many times as needed while answering questions. They can monitor their own progress in building listening comprehension skills, informed by feedback on specific strengths and opportunities for improvement. Teachers can invite students to select stories based on their own interests or explore the podcast collection for curated, vetted resources to support their research. View this video to learn more about how Listenwise can help teachers enable student voice and choice.


Students can demonstrate their learning through the Listenwise platform or in other assessment contexts. Listenwise assignments and quizzes invite students to demonstrate competency in key listening comprehension skills. Teachers can provide individualized feedback on student responses and invite students to revise and resubmit them. Teachers can view student performance data individually and collectively and focus instruction where there is demonstrated need. They can also build Listenwise materials into larger projects in which students demonstrate 21st century skills. View this video to learn more about how Listenwise can help teachers focus on students’ proficiency in key listening comprehension skills and other important literacy competencies.

Please share any questions or ideas you might have about how to use Listenwise to personalize learning in the comments. Thanks!