This Fall we have been busy finding great public radio stories for your classroom and working with our awesome curriculum designers to create custom lesson plans.  We wanted to highlight 5 of our favorite NEW World History lesson plans.


Memories of the Holocaust

Nothing makes a bigger impact on students than hearing the voices of people involved in or affected by a historic event. In this story and lesson plan you hear from a Holocaust survivor who escape a Nazi camp and has lived with survivor’s guilt. The lesson plan explores why it’s important to read and hear the stories of Holocaust survivors.



China: A Peaceful Empire?

In the 21st century, China is the fastest-growing world power. China claims that its rise is peaceful, but is it possible for any nation to grow this quickly without causing any conflicts?  This lesson explores this question, through the lens of Ancient China. The lesson plan includes a small group reading of Ancient Chinese Explorers and asks students to analyze the ancient missions.



The Historical Trouble between India and Pakistan

Pakistan and India were separated at birth. This public radio story takes you to the border and the daily lowering of the flag. It’s like a high school football rivalry.  But the tensions between these two countries shapes the region.  The lesson plan looks at how artificial borders create artificial barriers between groups of people.


Outsourcing and Globalization

Sending jobs overseas because foreign workers can be cheaper, has reshaped the American workforce.  This public radio story and lesson plan helps you take a close look at why US companies outsource and why it’s unpopular with American workers.


coal-rules-the-worldThe Rise of Coal Power

This story and lesson plan takes you to the cradle of the Industrial Revolution to help you teach students about how burning coal started the Industrial Revolution and is still a main source of power today. It also looks at the environmental impacts of coal.


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