Here is a quick overview of how to use Listenwise in a remote learning environment: 

If you want to get started quickly sharing podcasts with students, you can learn how with this Quick Start Guide to Remote Learning with Listenwise. Links to audio stories can be shared via Google Classroom, email, or any digital communication media by clicking the “Share Audio” button and copying and pasting the link along with any questions you might want to ask. 

For guidance on optimizing the benefits of the Listenwise platform, follow the instructions below.

Set Up Classes

To use Listenwise for remote learning, you first need to set up your classes in the platform. Listenwise is integrated with Google Classroom, so it is easy to import rosters if your school uses Google. See the Teacher Guide for Google Classroom for more information. If you do not use Google, this brief video will guide you through creating classes.

Make Assignments 

All of Listenwise’s 2000+ instructional podcasts (current events and standards-aligned lessons) include online resources that can be assigned to students learning remotely. Quizzes may either be assigned by teachers or selected independently by students.

  • Online multiple-choice auto-scored quizzes are available on many of our standards-aligned lessons and on every Wednesday current event. Find Wednesday current event quizzes here and quizzes on standards-aligned lessons by searching here
  • Written assignments can be assigned and completed entirely online. Each audio story is accompanied by a set of listening comprehension and discussion questions, which teachers can customize. Teachers can modify the questions and/or add their own, and they can respond to students with feedback within the Listenwise platform.
  • Links to audio stories can also be shared via Google Classroom, email, or any digital communication media by clicking the “Share Audio” button and copying and pasting the link along with any questions you might want to ask.

Track Results 

  • Quiz Reporting – Every quiz tracks students’ performance on key listening comprehension skills. To view quiz results, click “See Quiz Results” from the Classes tab. This quick video gives you an overview of the quiz reports available on Listenwise.
  • Assessing Written Assignments – Teachers can review student work and provide constructive feedback on written assignments. See this blog post for further guidance on using Listenwise for formative assessment. 

Support English Language Learners

You can scaffold Listenwise assignments by modifying supports for ELs or struggling readers. Stories with the “Scaffolding” icon have additional supports you can assign online for ELs. 

Explore other ways to support your ELs from other ELD educators on our Youtube channel.

If you are looking for ways to use Listenwise for remote learning, you will find ideas here.

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