Before I started Listen Edition, I was a public radio reporter. It was creating public radio and watching my children listen and learn from the stories that made me think that bringing the power of public radio into the classroom would be a good idea. I recently sat down and thought about how my experience as a reporter prepared me to be an entrepreneur and wrote about it for the Association of Independents in Radio. I thought I’d share it with you.
What was the road to Listen Edition?
From Kenya to Brazil and Boston and D.C, Monica Brady-Myerov proved her commitment to journalism and public radio. However, after seeing the effects of public radio on her own children, her journey took her to education, and the gap in instruction that needed real stories, from real people. From this, Listen Edition was formed to provide quality radio stories, build around effective lesson plans.
There are 5 similarities in freelance journalism and entrepreneurship. Learn about Monica’s connections here.
What is AIR?
AIR is a network of radio journalists, producers, sound artists, and media professionals looking to transform the public media space through their commitment to the medium of sound. AIR creates this space by offering training programs and public and commercial media advocacy.
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